The .NET, Windows & Open Innovation Conference BASTA! proudly presents the top 20 social influencers regarding the Microsoft and .NET World. All influential people have something in common: they can spread ideas faster and better than anyone else. We are aware that following those people has a handful of perks, including staying on top of the latest news and trends. Therefore, we decided to concoct a list of Twitter accounts all Microsoft and .NET fans should follow.
This list was created by analysing the MozRank and Klout scores of thousands of twitter profiles ranking them by both quality and influence.
If we missed anybody, it has nothing to do with the fact that we don’t think that they are just as important or shareworthy as any person on this list.
We congratulate everyone who made it into this list. If you click on the name or picture of each speaker you will be redirected to their twitter profile where you’ll find the useful information they share daily.
We first generated a list of one thousand .NET-related Twitter accounts (including all accounts that are related to the world of Microsoft in their bio or in any of their tweets.)
To score the account and rank them accordingly, we analyzed their social authority and reach using two key metrics: MozRank and Klout.
Moz Social Authority Score: Social Authority score is composed of:
- The retweet rate of users’ last few hundred tweets.
- The recency of those tweets.
- A retweet-based model trained on user profile data.
Visit this MOZ blog post for more in-depth information.
Klout Score: Klout uses more than 400 signals from eight different networks to update the Klout Score daily. It’s mainly based on the ratio of reactions a user generates compared to the amount of content he shares. Read more at the Klout score blog.
Scott Hanselman @shanselman
Tech, Code, YouTube, Race, Linguistics, Web, Parenting, Black Hair, STEM, Inclusion, @OSCON chair, Phony. MSFT, but these are my opinions. @overheardathome
Total score: 165 = Klout score: 79 + Social Authority score: 86
Daniel Rubino @Daniel_Rubino
Editor-in-chief of Windows Central. Full-time curmudgeon, science geek and play-acting anarchist. HoloLens user.
Total score: 152 = Klout score: 81 + Social Authority score: 71
Mary Jo Foley @maryjofoley
I am All About Microsoft on ZDNet ( ). Oh, and I am also sometimes (more often than not) all about craft beer.
Total score: 150 = Klout score: 86 + Social Authority score: 64
Troy Hunt @troyhunt
Pluralsight author. Microsoft Regional Director and MVP for Developer Security. Online security, technology and “The Cloud”. Creator of @haveibeenpwned.
Total score: 150 = Klout score: 73 + Social Authority score: 77
Paul Thurrott @thurrott
Paul Thurrott is an award-winning technology journalist and blogger and the author of over 25 books. He is the majordomo at .
Total score: 145 = Klout score: 70 + Social Authority score: 75
Chris Heilmann @codepo8
Londoner, German, European. Developer Evangelist – all things open web, writing and helping. Works at Microsoft on Edge, opinions totally my own. #nofilter
Total score: 141 = Klout score: 67 + Social Authority score: 74
Dan Wahlin @DanWahlin
Founder of Wahlin Consulting. Consulting & training on Angular, Node.js, ASP_NET, C#, Docker. Author for Pluralsight and Udemy.
Total score: 131 = Klout score: 68 + Social Authority score: 63
Scott Guthrie @scottgu
I live in Seattle and build a few products for Microsoft
Total score: 130 = Klout score: 60 + Social Authority score: 70
Robert Cecil Martin @unclebobmartin
Software Craftsman
Total score: 127 = Klout score: 61 + Social Authority score: 66
John Papa @John_Papa
Husband, father, and Catholic enjoying every minute with my family. Disney fanatic, evangelist, HTML/CSS/JavaScript dev, speaker, and Pluralsight author.
Total score: 120 = Klout score: 58 + Social Authority score: 62
Kelly Sommers @kellabyte
4x Windows Azure MVP & Former 2x DataStax MVP for Apache Cassandra, Backend brat, big data, distributed diva. Relentless learner. I void warrantie
Total score: 120 = Klout score: 54 + Social Authority score: 66
John Allspaw @allspaw
CTO, Etsy. Dad. Author. Guitarist. Student of sociotechnical systems, human factors, and cognitive systems engineering.
Total score: 116 = Klout score: 56 + Social Authority score: 60
Christopher Webb @Technitrain
SQL Server MVP, consultant ( ), trainer ( ) & blogger ( ) into SSAS, MDX, PowerPivot and DAX
Total score: 113 = Klout score: 55 + Social Authority score: 58
Steven Guggenheimer @StevenGuggs
Microsoft’s Chief Evangelist of Developer Experience (DX) – part geek, part businessman – all mobile, all cloud, all tech…all the time.
Total score: 112 = Klout score: 53 + Social Authority score: 59
Rey Bango @reybango
I love the Web. Microsoft Developer Advocate for web developers and Microsoft Edge. Contributing Editor to Smashing Mag. Honey badger. Opinions are mine.
Total score: 112 = Klout score: 53 + Social Authority score: 59
Erich Gamma @ErichGamma
Software developer and skier
Total score: 111 = Klout score: 52 + Social Authority score: 59
K. Scott Allen @OdeToCode
Author @pluralsight & Visual Studio MVP
Total score: 110 = Klout score: 53 + Social Authority score: 57
Lee Stott @lee_stott
Engaging & helping UK Academia understand how Microsoft Developer technologies can help complement existing strategies within teaching, learning & research.
Total score: 106 = Klout score: 54 + Social Authority score: 52
Anders Hejlsberg @ahejlsberg
Technical Fellow at Microsoft
Total score: 104 = Klout score: 47 + Social Authority score: 57
Martin Beeby @thebeebs
Works for Microsoft as a Technical Evangelist.
Total score: 99 = Klout score: 48 + Social Authority score: 51